The quest for incredible interactive art installations often brings us to LED lighting elements and their beautiful sherbert rainbow glow.

For the Interactive Art Pop-Up at Periodic our team sparked a new take on this colorful exhibit as an “Interactive Segmented LED Wall” using the TUBIX LED Pixel Bars by Lumenarius.

From afar the installation is gorgeous with pulsating rainbow colors with a touch of texture and differentiation.

Though, when one walks close enough the colors begin to ripple and the rough outline of a person appears across the segmented lines of the display.

“Could that be my reflection?”

It is indeed! Similar to a house of mirrors your image is captured by a discrete camera and then fed into the lighting display so that your form drives the generation of colors.

Stand still and it becomes clear. Wave hands, walk by, or shift side to side and rich patterns of light emanate like waves across the shore.

The entire effect is wonderful as the installation achieves an open ended exploration and also looks great just sitting there.

This is a piece that is in active development with many flavors being designed for retail storefronts, larger exhibitions for in person events, and much more!