Everyday waking life is full of interactivity so shouldn’t our nightlife be as well?

This was the exact thought and intention behind one of the first Sensebellum Interactive Art Pop-Up’s held at the legendary Glow Nightclub in Bellingham, WA way back in the day.

It’s fun to go out with friends in the evening. Plenty of evening activities have been interactive throughout the years - bowling, karaoke, and other parlor games. But wouldn’t it be nice to see a modern reflection of this desire to have fun out on the town?

Enter 5D. This play on words is of course referencing the 5th dimension to any space: interactivity!

This idea manifested as a singular evening where all of the Sensebellum Interactive Art Installations of the time came out to elevate the entertainment of the club with The Sandbox of Life, Tabula Rasa, and more all making an appearance to the great enjoyment by all.


A special thank you to all who came out as well as the managers Joey & Evan for the opportunity to showcase the work!