A brewery is a great place to gather and enjoy the physical space with others.

What else could be added to enliven the vibe and provide a curious good time?

As Sensebellum sought to reopen this possibility seemed ripe to explore and indeed a good time it was!

During a brief stay in Laramie, Wyoming it was time to share the good times of Sensebellum with the local scene to say hello and showcase the intersection of interactive art, technology, and science.

That we did! After unboxing and dusting off the core Sensebellum interactive art pieces they were all given a proper upgrade with all the best ideas that accumulated through the previous summer.

All the pieces from The Sandbox of Life, to Floragraph, Sim Sim 5000, Illumiano, and even a few new works emerged from the snow to spark a good time.

All in all the overlap in activities between a brewery and an interactive art pop-up were fantastic. What other venues or establishment could benefit from these activations as well?

These questions and more continue on the path to realizing The Future of Sensebellum.


Thank you to the wonderful team at Bond’s Brewing for all of the help!