Ever wanted to explore the microscope a bit further in Biology 101?

Reigniting that sense of wonder and curiosity for the world is what this installation is all about.

As simple as can be the piece enables anyone to explore in precise detail anything from their finger, to items in their pocket, all the way through many included natural and artificial curiosities. These images are then displayed for all to see on an eye level monitor.


Microscopia is an art installation that democratizes the use of a microscope and enables all curious enough a peak into the hidden complexity and detail of the world around us.

Those who have glimpsed microscopes during legacy schooling may recall a sense of wonder as the entire world came into focus in new ways.

Microscopia investigates this situation further and offers an optimized experience that is more casual, collaborative, and freeing.

This is all made possible by a 400x optical zoom microscope that feeds a HD video signal directly into an overhead display. The entire piece is then supported via a generatively designed geometric steel base.

Included with every instance is a curation of stunning objects plus a selection of found items from the nearby environment guaranteeing a unique experience that is tailored to the location.